
In his book 业务 @ the Speed of Thought , Bill Gates wrote that "information is the digital nervous system of an organization" (Gates, 1999). 对这个概念进行扩展, it can be argued that communication – the exchange of information or news – is the life-giving oxygen of a vibrant organization. Without it, an organization will begin to die. 因此, the ability to communicate is arguably the most important characteristic of an effective leader. Yukl (2013) also emphasizes this point and agrees that leaders should have effective communication skills and optimism, 雄心壮志, 和完整性.


The ability to communicate effectively is also the glue that coheres the Scholar-Practitioner-Leader (SPL) approach. Kouzes and Posner (2007) argue that effective leaders possess the skill to communicate in a clear and concise manner that inspires people to act on a common goal. Robinson (2001) states that “领导 is exercised when ideas expressed in talk or action are recognized by others as capable of progressing tasks or problems which are important to them” (p.93). Without communication, including leadership communication, there will be no action. 因此, taking action(s) is what defines one’s practice in becoming an effective leader.

The link between communication skills and practice is an integral part of being an SPL. Mayfield and Mayfield (2017) concluded that “regardless of perspective or culture, most scholars agree that leadership creates and manages meaning” (p. 4). 另外, perceptions of the leader are crucial in building relationships with stakeholders and as chief communicator (Kitchen & Laurence, 2003; Ulmer, Seeger, & Sellnow, 2007). 领导 communication can therefore impact an organization in various ways. 从建立声誉(e).g. Bill Gates and Microsoft), to destroying it (e.g. 安然和安达信), a leader's reputation is likely to have a major influence on determining an organization’s reputation.

Perceptions of the leader are crucial in building relationships with stakeholders and as chief communicator (Kitchen & Laurence, 2003; Ulmer, Seeger, & Sellnow, 2007).

Perceptions of the leader are crucial in building relationships with stakeholders and as chief communicator (Kitchen & Laurence, 2003; Ulmer, Seeger, & Sellnow, 2007).


从学术的角度来看, leaders and practitioners must understand the ontological perspectives of both leadership and communication. 领导 has a long and rich history and is being studied from various perspectives and different frameworks. In a post-modern world, the meaning of leadership is changing. The SPL model represents an emerging approach adding new dimensions to leadership development and studies.

Scholar-Practitioner-Leaders need to appreciate the theory of communication and, 作为从业者, 必须掌握它的应用. 沟通 theory can be studied from different ontological perspectives such as realist, 唯名论的, or social constructionist perspectives. 从本体论的角度来看, the SPL framework is shaped by a social constructionist view, an approach that attempts to bridge objective and subjective reality and a view that reality is what participants create together. 领导 communication is mostly informed by a discursive leadership style which is, 其核心是, 也是社会建构主义者.


沟通 can be used in different ways including conversations, 讨论, 对话, 辩论, 和审议. Each of these constructs has a different purpose and outcome; it is important to realize this to be an effective SPL communicator. Organizational conversations about challenging and complex issues often lapse into a 辩论 and “such exchanges do not activate the human capacity for intelligence” (Isaacs, 1993, p.25). On the other hand, 对话 is a much better medium to promote deeper inquiry. Dialogue is a discipline of “collective thinking and inquiry, a process for transforming the quality of conversation and, 特别是, the thinking that lies beneath it” (Isaacs, 1993, p.25). 沃格特, Brown and Isaacs (2003) elaborate on this point and powerfully argue that questions open the door to 对话 and discovery and “can lead to movement and action on key issues by generating creative insights” (p.1).

The role and impact of questions in organizational learning have been extensively researched by leading experts such as Marquardt (2005), 纳德勒和钱东(2004), 利兹(2000). Despite the attention paid to the power of questions in creating avenues to effective 对话, most leaders assume that they have to provide answers, 不要问问题. Marquardt (2005) experienced that “most leaders are unaware of the amazing power of questions and how they can generate short-term results and long-term learning and success” (p.11).


沟通, and a clear understanding of its different constructs, must be a key focus for Scholar-Practitioner-Leaders. 作为学者, we need to understand the theoretical foundations of communications, 作为从业者 we need to develop the skills and apply the techniques, 作为领导者, we need to ensure that our collective 讨论 lead to action. Fairhurst (2008) states that “Wherever there is an opportunity for power and influence—in new or traditional organizational forms, 个人或团体, or with formal or emergent leaders—attributions of leadership are not just possible but likely” (p.518). 类似的, I am of the opinion that the SPL model adopted by the School of Advance Studies opens up many new possibilities for research about leadership. This includes the shifting of the leader/follower power balance brought about by social media, the role of communicative action in leadership practice, and the relevance of the SPL model itself in comparison with other leadership frameworks. 我们在学校, especially those of us within the University of Phoenix Research 中心, are looking forward to collaborating with you on this exciting journey of learning and discovery.



Fairhurst G. T. (2008). Discursive leadership: A communication alternative to leadership psychology. 管理 沟通 Quarterly, 21(4), pp.510-521.

盖茨,W. H. (1999). 业务 @ the speed of thought: Succeeding in the digital economy. 华纳图书. 纽约,纽约.

艾萨克斯,W.N. (1993). Taking flight: Dialogue, collective thinking, and organizational learning. Organizational Dynamics, 22(2), pp. 24-39.

厨房,P., & 劳伦斯,. (2003). Corporate reputation: An eight-country analysis. Corporate Reputation Review, 6(2), 103-117.

Kouzes J. M., & 波斯纳,B. Z. (2007). 领导力挑战. 旧金山,加州:乔西-巴斯.

利兹,维. (2000). The 7 powers of questions: Secrets to successful communication in life and work. Berkley Publishing, 纽约,纽约.

马夸特米. (2005). 以问题引导. 乔西-巴斯,旧金山,加州. 

梅菲尔德J. & 德、米. (2017). 领导 communication reflecting, engaging and innovating. International Journal of 业务 沟通, 54(1), pp. 3-11

纳德勒克. & Chandon), W. J. (2005). Smart questions: Learn to ask the right questions for powerful results. 乔西-巴斯,旧金山,加州.

罗宾逊,V. M. J. (2001). Embedding leadership in task performance. 在K. 黄 & C. W. 埃弗斯(Eds.), 领导 for quality schooling (pp. 90-102). 伦敦:劳特利奇/影响.

乌尔姆,R.西格,M., & Sellnow T. (2007). Post-crisis communication and renewal: Expanding the parameters of post-crisis discourse. Public Relations Review, 33(2), 130-134.

沃格特E.E.布朗,J。. & 艾萨克斯,D. (2003). The art of powerful questions: catalyzing insight, innovation and action. 整个系统关联. 米尔谷,加州.

Yukl G. (2013). 领导 in organizations (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.




Dr. Van Niekerk is an Associate Dean of Doctoral 项目 with the University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies 业务 项目. He is a writer, conference speaker and expert on leadership studies.