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PhD vs Practitioner Doctorate


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The College of Doctoral Studies is a dedicated practitioner 博士的学校, focused exclusively on the value of applicable, practical 研究 and relevant, 现实世界的实地研究. Our practitioner doctorate provides a holistic approach to 研究 that drives innovation and spawns new ways of responding in today's increasingly integrative, digital working environment. The University does not offer PhD programs.

If you’re aspiring to earn an advanced degree and become a leader in your field, you may be wondering about the differences between a PhD and a practitioner (or, professional) doctorate degree. While they each have unique benefits, both degrees are considered to be at the apex of their discipline of study. Members of each group represent elite scholars and both require arduous coursework, 研究, analysis and scholarship designed to help you literally “write the book” in your areas of specialization.

PhD vs Practitioner Doctorate

简单地说——拥有博士学位, graduates contribute to an original body of knowledge in preparation for an academic career pursuing that knowledge; but with our practitioner doctorate, you’ll contribute largely by applying existing knowledge toward solving real-world problems in your field and your community.


  • Highest possible degree in the field.
  • Require coursework, residencies and a dissertation.
  • Prepare you to teach college level courses.
  • Both culminate in earning the unrivaled academic title of “Dr.”


  • Our practitioner doctorate prepares you for leadership in your profession. This is not traditionally the primary goal of a PhD.
  • A PhD is focused on the development of new primary knowledge, while our practitioner doctorate is focused on the practical application of that knowledge in your career.
  • A comprehensive exam is likely required for a PhD, but not for a practitioner doctorate degree.

To learn more about taking your doctoral journey with us, contact an 招生代表.